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What You Need to Know About Wearing Masks

The pandemic has brought about a lot of major changes. One of these includes the use of face masks. According to experts, using face masks is essential in mitigating the spread of the virus. Not only does it help protect you from the virus, but it al...

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Working During Summer? Here’s How to Avoid Heat Stress

Summer is known as the season for fun family activities, water sports, and distressing. But for those who have to work during the summer season in hot and humid environments, summer is far from being fun. They find themselves at risk of heat stress. ...

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Here’s Everything You Need to Know About Hydration

Now that the summer season’s here, the importance of hydration is more evident than ever. As we are composed primarily of water, the lack of hydration in the body can cause significant ill-effects to our health. Unfortunately, many people don’t d...

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How to Stay Safe from COVID When Leaving the House

Businesses, schools, gyms, and other public places throughout the country are currently closed to help prevent the COVID-19 pandemic from spreading. Government leaders, healthcare experts, and providers of urgent care in Cleveland, Ohio are enforcing...

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Safety Tips for Elderly People at Home

There are certain changes in the human body as we age. Aside from the decrease of physical strength, some people also lose the ability to balance well when moving. This is one of the many reasons why we, at Cleveland Urgent Care, a reliable provider...

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Benefits of Physical Therapy

Certain accidents would cost people their ability to physically move freely and independently. Some experience injuries and certain physical disabilities under uncontrollable circumstances. Luckily, there are medically approved ways that can help p...

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